
Humans of New York is a blog, but it's also much more. 《紐約人》是個部落格,但它不僅僅於此,背後還有更多精彩的事物。

It's the creation of Brandon Stanton, a self-taught photographer that set out to take portraits of ordinary New Yorkers. 《紐約人》由布蘭登•史丹頓所創建,他是一位自學的攝影師,專門拍攝紐約平凡百姓的眾生相。

The blog is mostly just pictures of people around New York City, sometimes with brief descriptions. 部落格裡大多是紐約市民的相片,有時也附上幾句簡短的敘述。

The popularity of Humans of New York comes from Stanton's powerful photos, and it has given him a devoted following on social media. 《紐約人》之所以大受歡迎乃因史丹頓拍攝的相片很具張力,使他在社群網站上有一大群忠實的粉絲。

Stanton hasn't stopped with the blog, however.然而,史丹頓並不僅僅侷限於部落格。
He uses his fame, his followers, and his photos to make a real difference in the world. 他善用他的名氣、他的粉絲和他的相片來真正地影響世界。

After Hurricane Sandy destroyed New York City, Stanton raised money for disaster relief. 珊蒂颶風重創紐約市後,史丹頓便發起賑災募款。
The campaign raised US$86,000 in the first 12 hours after he started the campaign, and by the end Stanton had raised US$318,530 to help the victims of the terrible storm.他發起活動後,在一開始的十二小時內就募得八萬六千美元,到最後史丹頓共募得三十一萬八千五百三十美元來幫助因颶風受難的災民。

●set out to V 著手進行……
Because I have faith in myself, I often achieve what I set out to do.
●devoted a. 忠實的,忠誠的
The author's devoted readers were eagerly waiting for the release of his newest book.
●make a difference 造成新氣象,有所不同



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