If there's one food in Taiwan that elicits very strong, polarizing opinions, it's stinky tofu. To demonstrate varying attitudes towards this much-loved, and despised, dish, Compass Magazine dispatched two writers, American Daniel White and Taiwanese Cheryl Huang, to some top local stinky tofu eateries. See their interesting, and very different, responses below.
梁婆婆臭豆腐是間59年的老店,雖是老店,老闆倒是非常認真的開發多樣化的臭豆腐料理,希望可以為喜愛臭豆腐的老饕們,帶來不同的味蕾體驗。我個人還是偏愛傳統的酥炸臭豆腐(50元),喜歡這家臭豆腐,炸的香酥而不柴,內層豆腐依然軟嫩,淋上濃郁的大蒜醬汁,配上爽口的小黃瓜絲和醃製的微酸台式泡菜;雖是油炸物,卻帶出清爽的口感,本店也有提供全素臭豆腐喔! --黃綠琪/文
Cheryl's perspective: "I love stinky tofu! The person who invented stinky tofu is a real genius!"
Though Liang Po Po Stinky Tofu is 59 years old, the boss has carefully developed a variety of stinky tofu dishes that allows diners to experience different tastes. I personally prefer the Traditional Fried Stinky Tofu (NT$50) and like the crispy, savory and soft tofu here, served with a rich garlic sauce, fresh cucumbers and slightly sour Taiwanese pickles. Although it's a fried dish, it provides a refreshing flavor and there's also a "pure veggie" tofu [Ed. Note: Buddhists consider garlic, scallions and leeks non-vegetarian] offered here. --By Cheryl Huang
丹尼爾的觀點: “我不禁想知道是什麼樣的天才認為吃腐爛的食物是個好主意!”
我的媽媽總是告訴我,如果我說不出什麼好聽的話,那就別說任何事。但是,當被問及我吃過最糟的食物,這就很難說出什麼好話了。它的口感不錯、顏色不會太糟,而餐廳也有漂亮的裝潢。但是,論及到它的味道,非常的糟糕,是筆墨難以形容的,會造成嚴重的不適,可能會破壞你的胃口數個小時。 --白丹尼爾/文
Daniel's perspective: "I can't help but wonder what genius thought it would be a good idea to eat rotten food."
My mother always told me that if I couldn't say anything nice then I shouldn't say anything at all. But when asked to comment on the worst food I've ever eaten, it's very difficult to say anything nice. Its texture was palatable, the color wasn't repulsive, and the restaurant certainly had pleasant decor. When it comes to the taste, however, it was so bad that there is no way to give an accurate description without causing you mild to severe discomfort, possibly spoiling your appetite for hours. --By Daniel White
- Oct 22 Wed 2014 14:57