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威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Letmaggie 005maggie 006  

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顏面神經麻痺 多發生在中壯年族群

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Letmaggie 002  

威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1. 先生,早! Good Morning, Sir.
2. 歡迎光臨本館。 Welcome to our store.

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Out of the entire world’s population, only about 13% are left-handers. Even now, we still don’t understand the reason why a person is this way. Many people believe it may be genetic. This means if a child is a left hander, one of their parents probably is too. One thing is definitely true, though. Lefties use a different part of their brain. They think with the right side while most think with the left. And since the right area deals with creativity, lefties are likely to have big imaginations.
• 本段單字

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In 2000, Disney began grouping several of its female movie characters together as the “Disney Princesses” — from “Sleeping Beauty” to the more recent “Mulan.” Since then, executives there say that part the entertainment mogul’s business has grown from $300 million that first year to an anticipated $4 billion internationally this year. And at the end of the year, they will debut an African-American princess, Tiana, and the movie “The Princess and the Frog.”
The marketing driven “princess” consumer fad has begun in America for almost ten years. The fad has grown into “princess fever” much faster than everybody estimated before world-widely. In other words, “princess fever has already reigned for generation of girls.”

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印度,一個在許多台灣人眼中仍充滿神祕(mysterious)的國度,因為一部好萊塢大片「貧窮百萬富翁(Slumdog Millionaire)」,再次成為眾人關注的焦點。「貧窮百萬富翁」片中描寫一位出生於印度孟買(Mumbai)貧民窟(slum)的小孩,從小顛沛流離,但這些特殊的人生經驗,卻使他贏得益智問答節目(quiz show)的千萬獎金!片中的釵h場景,拍攝出印度那特別又迷人的一面,泰姬瑪哈陵(Taj Mahal)、恆河(the Ganges)、孟買貧民窟、行進中的火車等等,到底印度是怎樣的國家?今天就跟著我來認識這個恆河孕育出的古文化大國吧!

威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1)Tortilla means “little cake” in Spanish. In English, “tortilla” refers to a flatbread made from 2)corn or 3)wheat. In Spain, South America, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, “tortilla” refers to an 4)omelet, with 5)variations that can include vegetables such as onions and potatoes. Tortillas have been used for many centuries in Mexico. More recently, other countries have begun producing them to serve the 6)expatriate Mexican market and the growing demand for Mexican food.

威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

板橋分校入門phonics by Tr.Maggiephonics 001phonics 002phonics 003  

威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

來源 http://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_emdin_teach_teachers_how_to_create_magic

威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Breakfast isn’t breakfast without coffee. 沒有咖啡早餐就稱不上是早餐了, 是不是很多人也這麼覺得阿? 睡眼惺忪的早晨, 來杯咖啡是許多人的習慣, 到了下午 afternoon tea time 時間, 再來杯咖啡配上蛋糕及甜點, 真是人生一大享受阿~~~!!!

威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The meat is very tender.

威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

BOBO族這一新生詞,是由中產階級Bourgeois及波西米亞Bohemian兩詞合併而成。是指因資訊時代的快速來臨,隨著高度創作空間與快速財富累積,而來到中上到上層階級;也代表具有高學歷,豐厚收入,而且懂得享受生活的一群菁英和新貴。這群人一腳踩在創意自由的波西米亞世界,另一腳則在雄心世俗的中產階級王國。他們對於社會中的不同聲音有極高的容忍度,不會吝惜購買高價物品,懂得生活卻不會鋪張奢靡。他們的崛起與致富是因事業成功、創意與眾不同,然而他們卻不愛追逐名利,只試圖在生活品質和靈魂自由中尋求超然的態度。這個新字的起源來自保守主義評論家大衛•布魯克斯 (David Brooks) 的著作 Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There。

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來源 http://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_emdin_teach_teachers_how_to_create_magic

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[英聽]威爾斯美語補習班 新聞英文<Life in the Clouds漫步在雲端>


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2015 陽光Selina  


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