The classic Cinderella tale is nearly as old as time itself. 《仙履奇緣》這個經典的故事幾乎和時間本身一樣古老。
The earliest known version of the story dates back to the 1st century BC in the ancient Egyptian tale, Rhodopis. 故事已知最早的版本可以追溯至西元前一世紀古老的埃及故事《洛多庇斯》。
The Cinderella story that everyone is familiar with today, however, was written in 1697 by French author Charles Perrault. 然而,今日大家所熟悉的《仙履奇緣》故事版本是由法國作家夏爾•佩羅在 1697 年撰寫而成。
Since then, the Cinderella story has been translated into hundreds of languages and adapted into opera, ballet, theater, television, and film, though the best known adaptation of the story is the 1950 Disney cartoon. 從那之後,《仙履奇緣》的故事已經被翻譯成數百種語言,也被改編成歌劇、芭蕾、舞台劇、電視和電影,雖然最著名的改編作品是1950 年的迪士尼卡通。
This year, however, Disney brings back the classic Cinderella story in a live-action film. 然而,迪士尼今年推出了真人版的電影來重新呈現這個經典的《仙履奇緣》故事。

When Cinderella tragically loses her mother at a young age, her father is forced to marry again. 仙杜瑞拉在年幼時痛失母親,而她爸爸也被迫再婚。
Unfortunately, Cinderella's stepmother is cruel and mistreats Cinderella while her father is away. 不幸地,仙杜瑞拉的繼母很殘酷,她趁仙杜瑞拉爸爸不在的時候虐待她。
Despite her stepmother's continuous cruelty, Cinderella is always gracious and kind. 儘管她繼母不斷的虐待,仙杜瑞拉總是親切又善良。These are the two qualities that catch the attention of a handsome, young prince and a fairy godmother.她的這兩項特質吸引了英俊、年輕的王子和神仙教母的注意。
●be translated into...  被翻譯成……
This novel has been translated into 42 different languages.
●be adapted into...  改編成……
The author became rich when his book was adapted into a film.


    創作者 威爾斯美語板橋 的頭像


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