來源 http://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_emdin_teach_teachers_how_to_create_magic

威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Breakfast isn’t breakfast without coffee. 沒有咖啡早餐就稱不上是早餐了, 是不是很多人也這麼覺得阿? 睡眼惺忪的早晨, 來杯咖啡是許多人的習慣, 到了下午 afternoon tea time 時間, 再來杯咖啡配上蛋糕及甜點, 真是人生一大享受阿~~~!!!

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The meat is very tender.

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BOBO族這一新生詞,是由中產階級Bourgeois及波西米亞Bohemian兩詞合併而成。是指因資訊時代的快速來臨,隨著高度創作空間與快速財富累積,而來到中上到上層階級;也代表具有高學歷,豐厚收入,而且懂得享受生活的一群菁英和新貴。這群人一腳踩在創意自由的波西米亞世界,另一腳則在雄心世俗的中產階級王國。他們對於社會中的不同聲音有極高的容忍度,不會吝惜購買高價物品,懂得生活卻不會鋪張奢靡。他們的崛起與致富是因事業成功、創意與眾不同,然而他們卻不愛追逐名利,只試圖在生活品質和靈魂自由中尋求超然的態度。這個新字的起源來自保守主義評論家大衛•布魯克斯 (David Brooks) 的著作 Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There。

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來源 http://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_emdin_teach_teachers_how_to_create_magic

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[英聽]威爾斯美語補習班 新聞英文<Life in the Clouds漫步在雲端>


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2015 陽光Selina  


威爾斯美語板橋 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

家喻戶曉的高爾夫球球王 老虎伍茲,自從爆出性醜聞(sex scandal),情婦(Mistress)一個一個冒出頭來。影響之大,讓伍茲宣布暫時離開球壇,甚至還傳出原配要在聖誕節休夫! 

1. Star bedded Jamie Jungers as father lay dying in hospital 

通常我們會認為bed這個單字指的是床,拿來當名詞用。加上過去式當動用的時候卻是有”過夜、上床”的意思。Lay 原意是”躺著、依靠著”,合併dying 就有病危、臨終的意思。

2. TREACHEROUS Tiger Woods romped with a mistress in his marital bed on the night his beloved father died. 

Romp 這個字平常只有在文章中才會出現,原意是嘻鬧、玩耍。Romp with someone 就是指跟誰嘻鬧,由於後面的名詞是情婦(mistress) 所以就解釋成 炒飯。

3. Just a few hours earlier the sex-mad sportsman had been told by his mom that cancer-stricken Earl was "in a bad way". 

大部份的人都認為mad 這個字是憤怒的意思,但其實這個憤怒裡含瘋狂的程度居多,所以當別人說you are mad! 其實是指你對什麼事情很瘋狂的程度。 Sex-mad 是對性愛的瘋狂程度,在此文雅地解釋為”精力充沛”。Strike 當動詞是打擊的意思,被動式模式的striken 則是有受折磨的意思,cancer-striken 可翻為 罹患癌症。

4. But after visiting his dad in a hospital, Tiger went home and cheated on wife Elin with former model Jamie Jungers. 

Cheat 這個字通常我們會在老師口中得知,比如說 please don’t cheat 就是老師要學生不要作弊。當cheat 跟 wife 一起使用時,像 cheated on wife Elin, 這時就有欺騙、背叛、出軌的意思。

5. As they lay in bed afterwards, Tiger got a call telling him Earl had passed away. Jamie, 26, told the News of the World last night: "I was beside him wearing nothing but a pair of panties." 

剛過世=one had passed away. 這段告白裡還有一句”什麼都沒有,只有…” nothing but,非常常用的片語。另外,普遍都認為內褲是underwear, 但是女性的內褲最適合的單字則是panties, 而且是必需加上量詞的 a pair of panties.

6. Deceased Earl, 74, was described by his son as: "My best friend and greatest role model - an amazing dad, coach, mentor, soldier, husband and friend." 
享年74歲的虎爸,曾被伍茲形容是 他最好的朋友,最棒的模範、最讚的爸爸、教練、啟發者、軍人、丈夫和朋友

講到死,大家都會想到 die 或是 dead 或是death,要描述死了的人用dead man 比較不尊敬。所以這裡用 deceased Earl。

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Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is one of life’s oldest questions and everyone has their own opinion. Now scientists believe they have cracked it and have unscrambled this mystery. Researchers from Sheffield and Warwick Universities in England discovered the answer by mistake. They used a super computer to zoom in on the shell-making process while a new shell was forming. They said it all boils down to one protein called OC17 that is essential for forming eggshell. This is only found inside a chicken's ovaries, which is proof that the chicken came first. The team was originally looking at how animals and birds make eggshells but suddenly made their surprising discovery. The big question now is where chickens came from. The answer to that is from dinosaurs.

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