
1. 先生,早! Good Morning, Sir.
2. 歡迎光臨本館。 Welcome to our store.
3. 請進來。 Do come in, please.
4. 需要我效勞嗎? May I help you?
5. 當然可以。Certainly.
6. 這邊請! This way, please.
7. 您先請! After you!
8. 請自個來吧!Help yourself, please.
9. 什麼? 請再說一遍。 What do you say? Could you please repeat that?
10. 這個我不會用英語說。 I don't know the English word for this.
11. 我找人來幫您。I'll get someone to help you.
12. 您可不可以幫我一個忙? Could you do me a favor?
13. 這個嘛,我看看… Well, let me see…
14. 我在找鞋子。 I'm looking for a pair of shoes.
15. 你們有沒有賣帽子?Do you have hats?
16. 賣光了。We are all sold out.
17. 現在沒貨。It's out of stock now.
18. 對不起,我們幫不上忙。 Sorry, we couldn't help you.
19. 對不起,這種沒賣?We're sorry. We don't carry that product.
20. 您想要看些什麼? What would you like to see?
21. 我只是看看。I'm just looking.
22. 抱歉,讓您久等。Sorry to keep you waiting.
23. 您覺得這個怎樣? How do you feel about this?
24. 這個可以嗎? Will this do?
25. 還需要什麼別的嗎? Do you need anything else?Anything else?
26. 您有什麼建議? What would you suggest?
27. 要不要我推薦一些東西給你?May I suggest something for you?
28. 請試穿一下看合不合身.Please try it on to see if it suits you.
29. 這個您還喜歡吧?How do you like it?
30. 您要幾號? What size do you wear?


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